SKU Management


The objective of this tutorial is to guide you through the process of managing SKUs within your Agend AMS. This ensures that inventory items are accurately tracked and managed across both Agend AMS and Xero.

Steps to SKU Management

  1. Navigate to the WordPress dashboard.
    • Log in to your WordPress site.
  2. Navigate to E-commerce Module
    • From the dashboard, go to E-commerce.
  3. Access Products
    • Click on Products to view your product listings.
  4. Go to Inventory Management
    • Select Inventory to manage stock and SKUs.

Add SKUs

  1. Add SKU to Product
    • Click on Add SKUs.
  2. Enter SKU Details
    • Ensure the SKU matches the one entered in Xero.
    • Make sure the SKU is not more than 30 characters.
    • Do not include any special characters in the SKU.
  3. Save SKU
    • Save the SKU to update the product inventory.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure Consistency: Make sure the SKU entered in Agend AMS is identical to the one in Xero.
  • Character Limit: Do not exceed 30 characters for the SKU.
  • Avoid Special Characters: Ensure no special characters are included in the SKU.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Consistency: Regularly cross-check SKUs between Agend AMS and Xero to ensure consistency.
  • Character Compliance: Use a standard format for SKUs to easily comply with character limits and restrictions.
  • Regular Updates: Periodically review your inventory to update and manage SKUs efficiently.

By following these steps, you will successfully manage SKUs within your Agend AMS. For any further questions or support, contact

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Updated on 31/10/2024