The April 2023 Agend Pro release includes many improvements, updates, and bug fixes. Notable items are listed below.
- No new features of note.
- Improved image handling in events/products importer.
- Added new event fields from Upbeat.
- Improved handling of invoices during user checkout and update of registrations.
- Improved performance of account and member role retrievals.
- Improve wording on invoice detail pages.
- Maintenance and improvement to the code base.
- Improved event details page layout and order history information.
Bug fixes
- Fixed rare crashes in some scenarios re dietary requirements or user synchronisation.
- Personal Details forms: Empty “Title” field would default to “Other” and show an additional field when it should remain empty.
- “Bill to” selector would not change invoice when company was changed.
- Fixed page title being omitted from the page configured in WordPress to show posts.