1 min read
The May release includes improvements, and bug fixes.
- Added a filter hook to allow the display of CPD points for events to be customised beyond {value} {label} in client plugins.
- Update the [agend_pi_event_products] shortcode and Agend Event Products Elementor widget to support quantity selection from the add to carts boxes.
- Added support for shipping address fields stored against CRM invoices. Shipping details are updated with values entered during the website checkout process.
- Add support for sorting committee activities in agend committee shortcodes:
[agend_my_committees sort_activities=1]
[agend_ce_committees sort_activities=1]
[agend_ce_committees_accordion_by_group sort_activities=1]
Bug fixes
- Remove duplicate videos listed in the ‘My Recordings’ area if a user has registered for an on-demand video event multiple times.
- Fix the Back to Top button. Show it when scrolling.
- Fixed CRM invoice bill-to details being cleared from an invoice record after being paid through the click to pay process by a non-logged-in user.
- Fix Attendance certificate email report request success message caused by missed break clause.
- Prevent the full invoice GST amount from displaying during checkout when paying a single instalment of a payment plan.
- Update price point font weight styles so that only the active price point is bold.
- Hotfix (17/5/24) – Fixed API cache issues around members with mixed case email addresses.