04.2024 – April

3 min read

The April release includes new features, improvements, and bug fixes.


  • Add a Gravity Form Agend setting for “form added products” to use the /pay-invoice process, which prevents changes to an invoice. Note: this cannot be used with invoices containing a payment plan.
  • New Gravity Form email field setting, ‘Enable user email change with verification’. 
    If checked and the primary email is being changed, send a verification email to a user to confirm email ownership, before allowing an update to the email in WordPress and the CRM contact. Useful to prevent updating to invalid email addresses in Personal Detail forms.

Enable user email change with verification’ email field setting

Verification email content

Pending email changes show up in email fields with this setting enabled

  • Support for an “Allow my details to be shared with event sponsors?” field, which is collected per attendee during signup. This field can be toggled on or off per event.
    • This has a PA dependency to add and expose the appropriate registration and event fields.
  • Add support for two new attributes in the [agend_pi_member_registrations] shortcode if the current client supports registration based achievement and attendance certificates:
    1. show_achievement_certificate_action=1
    2. show_attendance_certificate_action=1


  • Setting to have Gravity Forms address fields use the country list from WooCommerce for consistency.
  • Reordered groups within the Content Personalisation Access Conditions list to promote the more commonly used items.
  • Change the API entitlements cache life from 12 hours to 15 minutes by default. 
    This improve the experience of users accessing their entitlements quicker, in the specific case of CRM raised transactions that grant entitlements.
  • Add CRM invoice details to meta data and the Stripe payment description so clients using Stripe can more easily associate payments with CRM invoices.

Bug fixes

  • Fix a bug where the day before an event-specific product starts, we could not import the standard ticket. The begin and end date were both set to today midnight. The fix is to manually set the endDate of the ticket to 23:59:59 so that the standard product ticket is valid for the entire day and can be imported. This fix also allows event-specific products to be set for a single day.
  • Clear member API cache for orders that are free, in addition to orders that contain a payment. Free orders were previously not clearing member entitlements, which a free order can trigger.
  • Clear member API cache for orders that are paid using the On Account Gateway plugin.
    Any entitlements granted by these payments will now show immediately.
  • Fix pre-population of dietary option in the attendee details form from the current contact record when not using contact lookup and the field is named “Dietary Options”.
  • Fix an imported vs external featured image filename equality check. In cases where the external filename contained characters such as + – which WordPress removes when saving to the media library – the equality check would fail.
  • Fix a membership display bug that caused incorrect membership details to be displayed in My Account dashboard widgets when their member status moved to ‘Renewal Due’.
  • Fix a bug in Agend flexi-search that prevented drop down taxonomy filters from working with custom post types.
  • Fix Event tickets importer bug where if the import_ticket_description setting is enabled, but the ticket product description is null, it prevented tickets from being created.
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Updated on 25/11/2024