Manually assigning Memberships to Contacts

  1. From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to E-Commerce, located on the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on “Memberships” to access the Memberships settings and management options.
  3. On the top left corner, click on “Add Member” to add a new contact to an Individual, Generate or Retired membership. 
  1. To add contacts to Group memberships, click on “Team” on the menu options on top of the same “Membership” page. (Covered in detail below – Group Membership Management)
  2. To add an existing CRM/WordPress user as a member select a user from the dropdown by searching for the user’s name or email address. 
  3. To add a completely new user select “create a new user to add as a member” from the dropdown options. 
  4. Once you have selected the type of user you would like to add as a member, select the user and allocate the desired membership type.
  5. Now that the user has been added to a membership you need to invoice the membership fee manually. 

Manual Invoicing 

  1. From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to E-Commerce, located on the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on “Orders” to view order history and to create manual invoices. 
  3. On the top left corner, click on “Add Order” to create a new order. 
  1. On the new page, under ‘General’ use the ‘Customer’ dropdown field to look up a user to whom you would like to send an invoice. 
  1. Select the user from the dropdown and then fill in the required Billing information. 
  2. After filling out the billing information scroll down to the “Product” section to add items to the invoice. 
  3. Click on “Add products” select a product from the drop-down menu and edit the quantity as required. 
  1. To add multiple products repeat the step and select different products from the dropdown menu option. 
  2. To make manual changes to the pricing, click on the pencil ‘edit’ icon on the right end of the product row. 
  3. Make the desired changes to the product price and then click on save. The prices are always exclusive of GST. 
  4. Click on ‘Recalculate’ for the final price including the GST to be displayed. 
  5. To finalise the manual order creation scroll back to the top of the page and choose an action from the “Order actions” dropdown menu. 
  1. Once you have selected your desired order action, click on “Create” to finalise the manual order. 

Removing a contact from a Membership 

  1. From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to E-Commerce, located on the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on “Memberships” to access the Membership settings and management options.
  3. Locate the contact you would like to remove from a membership using the “Search” functionality on your screen’s right side.
  4. From the search results select the user that is to be removed from a membership type. 
  5. On the new page under the user profile section, from the “STATUS” dropdown menu select “Cancel” and then click on “Save”. 

Upgrading and Downgrading a Membership Type

  1. From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to E-Commerce, located on the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on “Memberships” to access the Memberships settings and management options.
  3. Locate the contact you would like to remove from a membership using the “Search” functionality on your screen’s right side.
  4. From the search results select the user that is to be removed from a membership type. 
  5. On the new page under the user profile section, from the “PLAN” dropdown menu select the desired membership level you would like to upgrade or downgrade and then click on “Save”.
  1. Remember to manually create an order and invoice the member for the price difference of the membership upgrade or downgrade. 

Group Membership Management

  1. From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to E-Commerce, located on the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on “Memberships” to access the Memberships settings and management options.
  3. From the menu options on the top of your screen select “Teams” to view and manage Group Memberships. 
  1. Locate the Group Membership account you would like to view or edit using the “Search” functionality on your screen’s right side.
  2. To manage a Group membership account, select the account from the search results.
  3. In the group account profile section to add a new member to the same group account click on “Add Team Member” on the left top of your screen under the account name. 
  1. To remove a member linked to a group account select the member by ticking the checkbox to the left of the contact and click the “Bulk actions” button above the member’s details. 
  1. From the “Bulk actions” dropdown options select “Remove” and click on “Apply” next to the dropdown menu. 
  1. Upon completion of managing a group membership account remember to click on update on the right-hand side of your screen. 

Switching Profile View

  1. To switch your view as a different user, from the WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Users”, located on the left-hand menu.
  2. Locate the user account you would like to ‘view as’ using the “Search” functionality on your screen’s right side.
  3. From the search results, hover over the contact’s username and select “Switch To”. 
  1. Upon clicking on “Switch To” you will be redirected to a new window as the user selected in the previous step. 
  2. Upon viewing the website as a different user, to return to the website as your primary user click on the “Switch back to” link usually located on the bottom right of your screen.