Change or Be Left Behind

Why Associations That Are Unwilling to Adapt Will Struggle to Remain Relevant in 2023

As an association executive, you understand the importance of staying relevant and competitive in today’s ever-changing landscape. But, many associations struggle to keep up with the demands of their members and end up falling behind. In this article, we will explore why associations that are unwilling to change will struggle to remain relevant in 2023, and what you can do to ensure your association stays ahead of the curve.

  1. Evolving member needs: The needs of members are constantly evolving, and an association that is unwilling to change will struggle to meet those needs. In order to stay relevant, associations must be willing to adapt and evolve with the changing demands of their members. This can include things like incorporating new technologies, updating program offerings, and rethinking traditional models of operation.
  2. Increased competition: The number of associations and non-profits vying for the attention and support of members is on the rise. Associations that are unwilling to change will struggle to stand out in a crowded field and may lose members to organizations that are better able to meet their needs.
  3. Shifting economic conditions: Economic conditions can change rapidly, and associations that are unwilling to adapt will struggle to survive in a volatile environment. This can include things like diversifying revenue streams, cutting costs, and finding new ways to generate revenue.
  4. Technological advancements: The world is becoming increasingly digital, and associations that are unwilling to embrace technology will struggle to keep up with the changing landscape. This can include things like investing in digital tools and platforms, incorporating automation, and leveraging data and analytics.
  5. Demands for accountability and transparency: Members and donors increasingly demand accountability and transparency from organizations, and those that are unwilling to adapt may struggle to meet these demands. This can include things like implementing new governance structures, creating transparency reports, and improving financial management.
  6. Inability to retain members: Associations that are unwilling to change may struggle to retain members, as they may not be able to provide the services and benefits that members want. This can lead to a decline in membership, which can have a negative impact on the association’s finances and ability to achieve its mission.

To stay relevant and competitive, associations must be willing to adapt and evolve with the changing needs of their members. This can include things like updating program offerings, incorporating new technologies, and rethinking traditional models of operation. Additionally, associations should also be willing to embrace transparency and accountability, invest in digital tools and platforms, and leverage data and analytics.