Agend Pro – 2024.07 Release

The June 2024 release includes new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

  • Add a way to validate an ABN GravityForms field to check if it belongs to any existing company.
  • Add a notice in Gravity Forms on staging/prelive/production sites that have FormSync installed letting clients know that these forms are currently managed externally so shouldn’t be edited.
  • New option for faster requests of invoice emails from the Order History dashboard page. Requests are made without leaving the page, with the button text updating to reflect sending status.
  • Add support for a Title and Title other field in Attendee forms.
  • Add support for a Pronouns field on contacts and event registrations.


  • Provided an Agend theme setting to be able to hide the login/my account section.

Bug fixes

  • Email requests made from the Unpaid tab on the Order History page will return the user to this Unpaid view.
  • PHP fatal error during checkout of renewal.