How to Create Ticket Pricing Rules (Member Pricing)?

Every ticket created in the events section must be configured as per your association’s business rules. To do so follow the steps below – Watch a video with instructions 

To configure Member Prices for tickets you can click on ‘Edit ticket in WooCommerce’ under ‘Advanced’ whilst creating a ticket for your members. 


Navigate to ‘Products’ and select ‘All Products’ on the  WordPress dashboard. Using the search bar on the right side of your screen, search for the ticket that needs to be configured. 

  1. Select the ticket and scroll down to the ‘Membership’ section of the page. 
  2. In the membership section under ‘Restrict Content’ click on ‘Add New Rule’.
  3. Under the ‘Plan’ option, select all membership tiers that are allowed to purchase this ticket at the member’s price. 
  4. Under ‘Only members can’, from the dropdown select ‘Purchase’. 
  5. For the final step, scroll back to the top of the page and select ‘Update’ on the right side of your screen under ‘Publish’. 

Note: This needs to be repeated for all event types for MEMBER PRICE tickets only. Non-member prices are available to everyone by default.  

What are your feelings
Updated on 26/03/2024