1 min read
- [agend_company_contacts] – add new separate_first_and_last_name=”1″ attribute to split name into “First name” and “Last name” columns.
- [agend_company_contacts] – add new source=”bill_to” attribute for changing the source from linked contacts (default) to all contacts with a billTo set to that account (Note: PA requirement).
- If this setting is used, we now update the WordPress user’s billing|shipping address immediately along with the CRM contact billing|shipping address.
- Add setting to enhance payment card masking in order notes and invoice payment details (e.g. XXXXXXXXXXXX1234 instead of 123456XXXXXX1234 for Eway). Note: CRM processed CC payment do not benefit from this as that uses Eway’s default masking: 123456XXXXXX1234.
Bug fixes
- Fix if menu company administrator condition bug that would cause an error if a condition was used in a menu but the setting for if company admins are used was switched to off.
- Fix some bugs in the Agend Events Products Elementor widget
- Lost box styles if no text colour was set
- Text colour was not applying to heading
- Add new widget heading control
- Fixed a bug where the website logo was shrunk down prematurely at narrower screen widths when using the fixed header option.